Rates for Professional Services

(effective 07/18/2024)


Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, excluding holidays


Subcontractors (firewall management and server related work):

  • Their billing rate + 20% management fee
  • IT Technician: $125.00 per hour
  • Web Technician: $90.00 per hour for updates and work that does not require client interaction, such as malware/hacking recovery, data cleanup, recovery of lost data or website pages, and website migrations (from one host to another)
  • Web Technician: $125.00 per hour for website improvements, design and layout updates, and similar work requiring client interaction

Calculating Billing Time

Offsite Services – Such as telephone support, product research, and trouble-shooting, will be charged in 15 minute increments.

Onsite Billing – Starts when the technician arrives on site to work, and ends when he or she leaves the work site.

Onsite Travel – This is only incurred for clients who are in excess of 45 minutes from our offices.  Clients will be billed for one-way travel and we absorb the return trip travel.

After-hours, Late night and Holiday Work

Work done between 7:30 PM and 8:00 AM, Monday through Friday, as well as on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays will be billed at time and a half, for onsite and offsite remote work. Unscheduled, weekend, or holiday work will be charged at double time.

Days off – Religious Holidays

We do work when emergencies call, but at higher rates as indicated above as this does take time away from our personal lives and our families.  There are certain days that we will not work, such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, as well as days you should not be working as well, such as Christmas, Easter, Passover and a few more.  But as our customers have come to know that if you are in an emergency state, we will do whatever we can do to get you fixed and up and running.  We also stagger our vacations and days off to make sure that our clients have coverage. 

Telephone calls

Please call us when you are in need. Please only call one number and leave a message. Calling the home number, then the office number, then the cell number does not help because they all ring to the same phone.  Please leave a message. If it is a true business mission critical emergency, please hang up and call back, when we receive two calls from the same number we make every attempt to return that call almost immediately.  If we are with a client, we will try to step out of the meeting to return the call, but we try to limit this as much as possible.  But when we have to do this when we are at your office, please understand that another client is in dire technical failure and needs support.

We really do work to make sure all technical aspects of your business that we manage are able to function at their best.